altercation, which there ended up being. charles, this piece and is a new york times magazine is very good reading. thanks very. much i want to turn on to shannon watts, founders imams inaction, author of fight like a mother, her grassroots movement took up gun mommy, and timothy zika law professor professor who coauthored the recent, peace and entitle the second meme and what has it come a threat to the first. professor, let me start there and just laying out your argument, it captures something that i have spent a lot of time thinking about. because it is the case that we want people to peacefully assemble, we want people to be even be louder unruly or slur insults, bad, stuff it s just the first amendment, that s protected speech. there is something that happens with the threat of a gun that changes the complexion of that, how do you explain it? the first of all things were having, me it s a pleasure to be here. there is a sort of intuition or common sense, that taking a gun to a