WITH the lifting of the COVID-19 protocols on March 18 by the Government of Jamaica, the Drivers Rallysport Club (DRC) of Jamaica is ready to get their genre of motorsports back in front of the f.
Politics is in Erin Stewart’s blood.
The daughter of four-term New Britain Republican Mayor Timothy Stewart and niece of the late Dominic Badolato, who served 22 years in the General Assembly representing New Britain as a Democrat, Erin Stewart is serving her fifth term as the Hardware City’s GOP mayor.
Stewart who is fiscally conservative while holding progressive views on issues like abortion and gay rights was the youngest mayor of any U.S. city when she was first elected at 26 years old in 2013.
Arnie Kantrowitz, the early New York-based gay rights activist who wrote a classic queer memoir, taught one of the earliest gay studies college courses in the nation, and was a founding member of GLAAD, died January 21 from complications of COVID-19.