There are new faces in area police departments, with the retirement of longtime chiefs.
In October 2021, Palmerton Borough Council on a unanimous measure hired patrolman Timothy Kromer as po.
Palmerton has recognized two individuals who were pivotal in the creation of a dog park in the west end of town.
Borough council on Thursday recognized Chris Lipfert and Braun Bleamer for their contri.
Palmerton police chief and Sgt. First Class Timothy Kromer, retired U.S. Army, said we should honor veterans and their families.
Kromer, the keynote speaker for the Carbon County service in Josiah Wh.
Twenty-one years.
It has been 21 years since that fateful day when America was rocked by terrorism as numerous people hijacked jets and crashed them into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and in Shanks.
The 2022 Carbon County Fair Queen will trade her tiara for a crash helmet Wednesday night when she gets behind the wheel to drive in the fair’s junk car race.
Kiersten Gursky has been racing junk cars.