next speaker, please. my name is theresa cooper. i am an access love member. i volunteer. i was really concerned with captain denise schmidt s letter. my experience at the police commission meeting is that the captain of the police was shocked by it and had never received the letter. it was baulked at as not having factual information. i have been a legal secretary, and i paid attention to that. i am surprised that is used as something official. the letter and the commission hearing brought up some fears around the asian community and other ethnic communities. i am concerned. i am a longtime resident of the city. it creates a division between communities. we all have needs that need to be met and strategies for survival. let us support each other in having all of our needs met, and be safe. next speaker, please. hello, members of the board of appeals. i attended the planning commission hearing and spoke there. what i told them there is the same thing a lot of people h
on san francisco government television, channel 78. dvd s of this meeting are available for purchase directly from sfgtv. at this point, we will conduct our swearing in. if you intend to testify, please stand, raise your right hand and say i do. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? thank you. commissioners, we have to be well housekeeping matters. the first is a jurisdiction request at 2350 broadway. that matter has been withdrawn and will not be heard this evening. the other has to do with appeal six and six a. of hundred one divisadero 1201 divisadero street. my understanding is that the document that was to be viewed during the closed session, and the copy of the identification card, is not available. my suggestion is that we might continue this matter in order to hear it at a time when that identification card can be viewed by the board. we would need a motion to do th
depending on what part of the city you re looking at, instead of statistically unsupported hearsay information. please consider real data before adopting a final findings. truly yours, petra dejesus, police commission. thank you. my name is shona. i am the executive director of access of love sf. sometimes i have to connect the dots between difference to the bodies to have a flow of information. we have a legislative fix. we want to assure that people will not use recreational classifications to fit any sort of situation. i want to alert you that state law trump s city law. state law is now 600 feet, not 1,000 feet. i will also inform you that the litigation this would take in superior court would be expensive to our city. we are a sanctuary city by law, not by resolution, but by ordinance. the nine people safe access based on prejudices and fears we have heard them time and time again. at 26 hearings, i have heard the same fears from neighborhood groups. thank you. n
it is at least 45 minutes before you get to the city. you would not want your child or yourself to suffer one more minute then you have to to get the medication you needed to make yourself well. thank you very much. next speaker, please. my name is theresa cooper. i am an access love member. i volunteer. i was really concerned with captain denise schmidt s letter. my experience at the police commission meeting is that the captain of the police was shocked by it and had never received the letter. it was baulked at as not having factual information. i have been a legal secretary, and i paid attention to that. i am surprised that is used as something official. the letter and the commission hearing brought up some fears around the asian community and other ethnic communities. i am concerned. i am a longtime resident of the city. it creates a division between communities. we all have needs that need to be met and strategies for survival. let us support each other in having all