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By Timothy Denton
Do you remember the Maltese Falcon: the movie whose plot turned on possession of a ceramic bird? The Maltese falcon is a MacGuffin, the thing around which the plot moves. Telecommunications policy is filled with MacGuffins. Coming to a political theater near you will be several MacGuffins used to justify the Rogers takeover of Shaw. Think 5G. Think rural broadband. Watch the dogs chase the ball.
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The news that Rogers intends to buy out Shaw Communications presents the government with the bankruptcy of many decades of competition policy in telecommunications. Successive federal governments have tried to foster competition in cellular communications by giving preferences to new entrants with advantageous conditions on radio spectrum. By awarding spectrum for free or at lower prices than th
lovely lady known as Bev died on November 6, 2020. Bev was born
Beverly Ann Canfield to Charles and Mildridge Canfield in San Luis
Obispo 73 years ago. Bev grew up in Hoopa, where she attended
elementary school and graduated from Hoopa High. After high school
Bev and her friend Judy moved to Oregon to work at a company that
made mobile home vents. Bev had many fond memories with Judy. At one
point someone installed vents backwards and the work crew had to be
uninstalled and redo all the vents. They laugh now, but it wasn’t so
funny then. Sometimes at the end of the month when there wasn’t much