andy levy is discussing the second part of the half timish report. wow, that was really well ad-libed. not bad. heavy drinkers livelonger than tea totalers. anyone find it weird that it was funded by the bill shultz foundation. i don t remember that dude. didn t know there was any such thing. the authors do point out heavy drinking can lead to nonlethal falls. that ma ix sense. that makes sense. that s one thing that you can you walk into traffic and you could die. i guess that factored that in and it still came out ahead. my theory is those people who don t drink are the same people out running or climbing mountains or doing something active. they are probably all dying in horrible accidents. there is one exception and that is jim norton. jim norton is one of those drinkers who doesn t bore you
that segment nicely. from drinking to dating. your height can cost you thousands. according to an on-line dating poll for every inch a man is under 5 foot 10 he should make 35 to 40,000 more a year to be seen as equally attractive as his taller counterpart. so a 4 foot 18 guy like me needs to make a half a million more than the jerk who is 5 foot 11. the average height is 6 foot. women hit their attractive they peak at 21. and according to women, men are sexiest at 27. i posted myself on a video site. can we see it? i met some great gallons back then. you deserved them. they will never be found. imogen, doesn t it prove it
is all about biology? women seek status for protection. men seek youthfulness for baby making. end the story. i think it is another useless cur vie. survey. men apparently think women go downhill at 21. that s me at 21. you were cute. you were hot back then. what happened? exactly. all i m saying is i am kidding. i have to apologize for that joke. you look amazing. i just think sometimes women grows into their looks. another survey that is rub bish. age trumps everything. no, money does. i am like a four and a half, five because i am funny. usually women are like, oh, what the heck. and it is not even a real bank