the corruption that the biden families committed. all right. i want to know how much money do you believe the biden family hod in these business deals? how much money are we talking about? are we and how much money do wk went to joe? because hunter complains bitterly, he gave half his income to pops and had to p pops as home repairs. and the big guy and i m sitting here next to my father in fath. atsapp message do you believe you ll be able to tie this money to joetie th and how much money in total? my exit question. well, i think there n tos goingy to be easily 25 to 30 million 2 plus and the big developmentanyo happened today that that i don t think anyone s picked upne hed yet. d th i asked the question the very last question i asked when i had timee quesst quest yieldee by representing burleson in missouri was would you behand willing to hand over the the paperwork with respectaction to foreign transactions? because it s been almosts. t