Special counsel John Durham s indictment of Igor Danchenko for lying to the FBI details how the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative was developed and fed into the American political ecosystem. The arrest, as it is summarized in a New York Post
A long road lies ahead of Joe Biden as he decides how to address the COVID pandemic.
Opinion columnists
The USA TODAY Opinion section asked members of our Board of Contributors, What is the most important step Joe Biden can immediately take to address COVID?
Stand firm and lead
Biden pandemic relief package is a strong starting point signaling that his administration plans to do not only what it can but what is necessary to curb this crisis. He also has to send a strong signal to Congress and the nation that these vital solutions won’t be politicized or picked apart, holding firm on his proposal and bringing along every Democrat and maybe even some Republicans in support. The last president divided us while exploiting and exacerbating the virus of political motives. This president can indeed unite us around our common suffering and competent solutions if he stands firm and leads.