you prefer the soviet style prt of the democratic party s internal elections, where votes from merely a formality. all the really big decisions, the meaningful ones, are made thars in advance by donors. oh, of course, everyone sif y on board. that s what they do. but ifou prefe you prefer democy to oligarchy, if you prefer real debates about issues thatet actually matter, it s pretty. refreshing to see it . yes, it s a little chaotic, buti this is what it s supposed to be now. we re going to give you a lotth more detail on what s happening in just a minute and throughout the week. but first, t firs a quick overviewe big to frame the big points. kevi kevin mccarthy of californo was going to be speaker. he was g wants to be speaker. in fact, he wants that job, more than anything else in his life. and he was going to get it. ause but then a group ofd that kevin twenty republican members stopped him. now they stopped becausepresent they decided that kevin mccarthy is not conser
the in to the players respondedfo as human beings with greatr decency and reverence for the tragedy. e they were watching. they prayed they didn t do anything but that. uys. i felt that was so? impressive. and you covered these guys. were you surprisedt all. that. e not at all. not at all. brothers. these guys are brothers. they spend so much timeth eac together. coul rh othee working with eachr toward a common goal. they have relationships that we could only hope to have in places like congress and academia. and sometimes even in families.. these guys are brothers.ey d do they do anything for eacht other. and so and then there s the mutual respect among teams. everyone knows what it s like to get injured, to get hurt. but to watch this, a twentyy wol fourdn year old, i mean, it really wouldn t have mattered if he was twenty five orseemingl twenty two . but the fact is , thisalthy ise young, strong, seeminglyg mo healthy man. and you re right to point outcku we don t k