theory in shareholder capitalists. they have a lot do with it. tucker: when you say they had other constituencies, what were they? their employees, communities, their country. look at all the tax inversions that, you know, you can have any position you want on tax aversions, but basically someone asked someone from apple, how do you feel about notot paying any tax in the states, and they said our responsibility is to the shareholders, not to theat country. it is amazing they can pump out people who can t entertain the idea you can havey responsibilities to more than one constituency at the same tucker: it has been going on so long, the rest of us don t notice. i have a responsibility to my shareholders, what about our country? i m glad you reminded us it wasn t always that way. duff mcdonald.d. great book. thanks for coming on. thanks, tucker. tucker: up next, professional psychiatrists declaring
and argues this. the most prestigious school at least partly responsible for the fact that our economy s increasingly fake, designed to benefit the already rich and pretty screwed up. thanks for coming on. you call harvard business school dangerous. it is dangerous because they are failing at their mission of creating an enlightened managerial class. they re sending out graduates who view the world in a certain way, and without the right moral framework to go about the lifefe they probably should. tucker: there are a lot of them. l like over 75,000 or more hbs graduates running the economy. what are the attitudes that you think are the most harmful to the country? one of them is what i call sort of analytical world view, where because they re taught by spreadsheets, they think they come to believe the most important things in any decision or organization are those things you can counter measure, when
at uc berkeley. huffington post interviewed sanders and he said what are you afraid of? ask for the hard questions. booing people down or intimidating them or shutting down events, i don t think that works in any way. meanwhile, b bill maher weighed in on the same subject. it used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it is the cradle for [bleep] babies. i feel like this goes on all over the country. they invite someone to speak who is not what liberals want to hear. they want to shut her down. i feel like this is the liberals version of book burning. it has to stop. tucker: the difference, sanders and maher, when the left believed in free speech. speaking of rocks from college campuses, jeff mcdonald is a business reporter. he just wrote a book. it is a big book
all right, clemson university administrator is suggesting student candidates running for office pass an inter cultural competency the first part saying it five times. tucker: i would fail. basically suggesting that they take the test to determine whether they qualify to hold a t position in their student office, in the student government. students are outraged, saying this negates the whole democratic process, and is a modern day form of fascism and communism. tucker: you have to take the propaganda course before you are allowed to run. nobody could get to that point because they couldn t say it five times. tucker: you can t even run unless you agree with me. exactly. something you learn in the real world. sounds look a good idea, but so were hoverboards until they caught on fire.ou l
president trump has been called every name under the book. the stock markets were supposed to crash if he won and the world was supposed to end, but a group called duty to warn, 25 psychiatrists to warn the world of president donald trump s mental illness. they believe it is grounds for impeachment, saying it was the elephant in the room. he said one warning sign was president trump s over estimation of his inaugural crowd size. this group is being called out for violating what is called the goldwater rule, trying to diagnose a public official. who they have met with. they ve never examined him. also the connecticut republican party chairman said they are throwing ethical standards out the window because they cannot accept the results of the election. . tucker: an unintentional o diagnosis of their own mental health.