“New Zealand’s health system has been on a steady decline from first world status. ACT says it’s time to turn it around, starting by providing more funding for General Practices (GPs) through our upcoming alternative budget - A Time For Truth ,” says .
“Why the Finance Minister decided to put out a press release with the embarrassing admission that he’s managed to save less than 1 per cent of the Government’s entire budget escapes us, but it shows why New Zealand needs real change”, says .
“If a group of wealthy New Zealanders wants to pay more tax, ACT will share the IRD’s bank account number with them, so there’s no need for them to force their values on other New Zealanders”, says ACT Leader David Seymour. “The most tiresome .
A PROTEST against the British government’s controversial Legacy Bill was held on Tuesday outside the Northern Ireland Office by the Time For Truth campaign and the families of those affected by state violence.