This month, F1 2022 has been announced for July (I raved a lot about last year’s edition) and Square Enix teased that Kingdom Hearts will get another sequel (I love this franchise but, please, let’s end it already). I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed by all thel releases and I'm starting to have a backlog of games - a happy problem! And.
A week-long showcase of PC games created by Chinese developers is headed to Steam later this month. Called Enter the Dragon, the online event will feature more than 90 games from studios in China and Taiwan, including both indie releases and "the latest blockbusters."Enter the Dragon was created primarily as a response to restrictions on international travel caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made it more difficult for Chinese developers to introduce their games to global audiences."A number of studios in Mainland China and Taiwan rely on getting their games in front of the global gaming community at events to build their fanbase, gain exposure and gather feedback early on," said Jeff Huang, head of publishing at Enter the Dragon organizer Pixmain. "Even after two years, there are still restrictions on travel and very few event opportunities. We’re hoping Enter the Dragon will fill a need by offering developers and publish