Nadeen Ashraf was 12 years old when Egypt rose up 10 years ago and forced the ouster of longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak. She is now at the vanguard of what I am convinced is another revolution, this time of women rising up against tyranny of another kind: sexual assault.
I met Ana de Armas on the first day of filming Knives Out. During that first scene, I looked into her beautiful green eyes, which were brimming with tears of grief as her character mourned her friend and employer. At that moment, I remember thinking, Who is this? Her talent was unmistakable.
Elected in 2020 as the youngest-ever leader of Asia’s oldest political party, 48-year-old Johnny Chiang knew that reforming Taiwan’s Kuomintang (KMT) wouldn’t be easy.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Instacart faced a tidal wave of orders, as people with means opted en masse to pay the service’s workers to buy groceries for them.