Nintendo has announced a release date for Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which will launch on Nintendo Switch earlier than expected. Set in a new world that will
, and
Oxenfree developers, were announced on Thursday. Kowloon Nights announced its investment fund in 2018 with a slate of games with budgets ranging from $500,000 to $5 million, including one from
The Last Guardian creator Fumito Ueda. In its second year, Kowloon Nights added 10 more projects, a few of which were released last year. (Beloved Thunder Lotus Games management simulator
Spiritfarer and Timberline Studio’s
Twenty-three more games will be funded this time around, including projects from past Kowloon Nights partners, like Thunder Lotus.
“We are incredibly proud to work with such talented studios and developers whose innovative work previously has brought to the community games ranging from