Lawyers suing security companies that worked in Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine program need to work out which hotel the COVID-19 strain that killed their client’s father came from before the class action can proceed.
Law firm Arnold Thomas & Becker is pursuing Unified Security Group and MSS Security on behalf of lead plaintiff Dragan Markovic, whose father contracted COVID-19 in a nursing home and died at the end of August in hospital.
The last photo of Dragan Markovic with his father Nenad Markovic before the elderly man s death from COVID-19.
He was among the 800 people who died in Victoria’s second wave, with 99.8 per cent of cases traced to outbreaks in the quarantine program at two of the hotels: the Rydges on Swanston and the Stamford Plaza.
Nicola Gobbo reacts to special investigator looking into whether charges could be laid over Lawyer X scandal
WedWednesday 16
WedWednesday 16
DecDecember 2020 at 10:47pm
Nicola Gobbo has shared a statement with the ABC about the latest developments in the Lawyer X affair.
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Barrister-turned-police informer Nicola Gobbo has told the ABC she fears Victoria Police may block her from assisting the special investigator set to look into the legal scandal.
Key points:
Lawyer Tim Tobin SC believes Ms Gobbo would consider giving evidence against police if asked
Victorian Bar president Chris Blanden condemns any encroachment on privileged communication between barrister and client
denied and it could turn out to be pivotal testimony. earlier in the day, tim tobin, a one-time edwards donor provided cringe-worthy but not necessarily criminal details. he said he went to dinner with edwards in 2008 after tabloids printed the first stories about the affair. and tobin said he found it astonishing at that dinner that edwards still thought he might get picked as barack obama s running mate. tobin said he warned tma he also told the jury when he went back to rielle hunter s home in north carolina, after she went into hiding in california, he found a sex tape. but all of that is incidental to the question the jury has to answer did edwards knowingly use campaign money to cover up the affair? rielle hunter told gq magazine she was in the dark about the money, and she said this on the oprah winfrey show. do you think he was more afraid of elizabeth finding out or the rest of us? elizabeth. reporter: and that would seem to back up the defense argument that edwards
nest, these people are going to be out in force bringing attention to what they feel is an unequal system? the passage of this amendment was the last gas of discrimination in a state where there hasn t been enough conversation about who gay families are and why marriage matters. this amendment has propel that had discussion. and we re going to see more of that and what we re going to see in north carolina as in the country overall is a bump in support for the freedom to marry as more people have a chance to think it through and not be stampeded in a political attack but to actually talk neighbor to neighbor. as we look at this on a state level, we pull back and talk about it on a national level. president obama s campaign release add statement saying he was disappointed with the passage of amendment one. and forcing president obama to take a stand on this, do you think this is for lgbt advocates of same marriage equality that want to see marriage equality go forth, do you think t
protect her after causing the initial pain. jennifer palmieri can add a lot of this information later today. and the prosecution is hoping to show that she and john edwards were acting for the campaign, trying to help his aspirations, if not for president, then vice president and attorney general. let s get to this because this is about the neighbor, tim tobin, he s a neighbor a buddy of edwards aide, andrew young, testified that he warned the obama campaign in 08 about edwards infidelities when edwards expressed interest in being on the ticket. why does that matter? it matters because the prosecution s theory is that edwards made this cover-up and took this money to help him in the campaign, if not for president, then to keep him in play for vice president or attorney general. that helps the prosecution. professor stephen friedland, thanks for keeping us up to date. so take a look at this, everybody. we go from a courtroom to what may end up in a courtroom.