a call to karen s friend katherine with the unimaginable news. he said it s tim and i m at karen s apartment and there is blood everywhere and she s been stabbed. stabbed. it s really a horrible way to die. karen. the baby of the family with five older brothers, suddenly gone. she has been especially close to her oldest brother mike. my brother called me and i was at the airport and said you better sit down. he said karen s been murdered. any theorys about what happened? i don t know. i was trying to figure out the why. and relying on the police to do what they needed to do.
we kind of pull the flowers down further. a few days after the murder, her many friends at the airport said their goodbyes. there was a chapel in the main terminal in tampa at the airport. there were so many people there from all different airlines. the security people. it was incredible. meanwhile, the pinellas county sheriff investigation was moving quickly on several fronts. first, they validated boyfriend tim s story. he said after visiting karen early that evening, he spent the light night with a friend named george solomon in moon lake about an hour to the north. he did go up to where he was staying. this is confirmed through interviews with george as well as george s girlfriend. george gave us a timeline that was consistent with what permentor gave us. tim s story checked out and he came clean on something right
statements and the detective said his suspect knew the charade was over. he put his face in his hands and literally covered his face for two or three minutes. tim ultimately looked up at us and the car salesman guy who was tim permentor had left the room. what are did you see in his eyes and face? the first thing was satan walked into the room. coming up i knew i was innocent. was he? the trial and the verdict. i love my babies, love my boys. since i m a truck driver, you know there s times that i m gone for, like, three weeks at a time. even if i m 3,000 miles away, i m connected with my boys. every day i can video chat with them. i could be in the middle of wyoming. even if i m like waaay. out here, i can still reach my kids. baby, you you see me? (sons) hey, daddy!
began a relationship like that. the relationship began with tim trying to sell karen a new car. police learned he also sold her a bill of goods about himself saying he was a navy s.e.a.l. involved in top secret meigs and never mentioning the sorted truth about his criminal past. karen told me he explained as he got injured on a mission. super commando stuff? i think that would have been his impression of himself. why are you lying? you are giving her a crock? there is no excuse for it. other than if you are an inmate or convicted felon, no matter how good you do and no matter what you do, there is always going to be the spector hanging over you. several months into the relationship before tim finally revealed his ugly secret. he was a felon who spent more than a decade behind bars. not a navy s.e.a.l. or a violent one-time pimp. the self-described escort king.
at that point we started attacking the story. tim had a simple explanation for the timeline problems. he was confused. this is the corroboration. it got me confused. confused? you get confused when you lie. when the pizza arrived, i was still there. 8:48 delivery . it was right after the pizza arrived. i was there for 10 or 15 minutes. did you tell cops 7:30? i m horrible at times and days and the problem was that making a mistake became i m hiding something. cops call the mistake a lie? of course. why did you lie? it was 8:30 to 9:30. it s impossible. no. pizza receipt was in the trash. tim was tripped up by his own