/PRNewswire/ - BOXX Insurance, the specialist cyber insurtech and online protection company, today announced the launch of MyCyberProtectionTM by Cyberboxx.
This 6th grader has run more than 800 miles in honor of fallen first responders
Zechariah Cartledge founded Running 4 Heroes, raising thousands for those injured in line of duty
WINTER SPRINGS, Fla. – Nearly every night here in Central Florida a ceremony takes place that very few attend but many from around the country watch via live stream.
We first featured 12-year old Zechariah Cartledge in 2019 when he was running one mile to honor local law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.
Since then his nonprofit, Running 4 Heroes, has grown. He’s been able to raise thousands for first responders who have been injured on the job.