Gubernatorial candidates raise $11 million in quarter
The four candidates for governor with more than $2 million on hand at quarterâs end (clockwise from top left): Terry McAuliffe (D), Glenn Youngkin (R), Pete Snyder (R) and Jennifer Carroll Foy (D)>Itâs rare to have that many people running for governor. And it s even rarer still for there to be so many candidates with bank accounts at that level. Political analyst Stephen Farnsworth
⢠Republican Convention
Saturday, May 8, with 7 candidates for Governor, 6 for Lieutenant Governor and 4 for Attorney General
⢠Democratic Primary
Tuesday, June 8, with 5 candidates for Governor, 7 for Lieutenant Governor and 2 for Attorney General
Source: AP Photo/Clement Britt
On Friday, the fundraising numbers came in for Virginia s statewide candidate races. Townhall was able to speak to the leaders in the Republican field for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general.
In addition to local and statewide news outlets, the fundraising numbers have gotten media attention from The Washington Post as well.
Chris Saxman also provided commentary on the numbers for Bearing Drift, emphasizing first and foremost that Cash On Hand (COH) Cash is King. Deal with it. He also stressed the importance of looking at a data set to do with the number of Donors under $100. Outside public polling, this is the only objective piece of information that shows popularity of the candidate. If someone will send you money, they will vote for you, which he said, with original emphasis does NOT translate over to large donors.