and by the people whom he served and was so dedicated to. you know, andrea, there s not one part of my life as a physician that hasn t in some way been touched by what senator kennedy had done, from biomedical research, stem cell research, really advocating for the ill, the disenfranchised. so i recognize that this is a complicated journey that we re all on to sort of fully describe him, but the extraordinary impact he had on health and wellness and the lives of the average american cannot go unnoticed. no. those are some of the sign posts that we re going to be discussing today as we talk about this legacy on all domestic issues. health care, of course, was his dying wish, something that was not yet achieved and something that may not be achieved, certainly not in his lifetime and maybe not three years to come, but it is a complicated legacy, as you point out, and we ll be talking about all of that with our guests, coming up. especially the civil rights legacy, as wre in