CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Last Wednesday night, two of the three Marshalltown High School $750 Scholarship winners attended a special Evening Lions meeting. President
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Ben Veren and members of the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department collect a check for $505 from the Marshalltown Evening Lion’s popcorn s
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO The Marshalltown Evening Lions, at its regular April meeting on April 5, presented a check of $500 to the MHS STEP (Students Teaching and Emp
Mary Mauk, Executive Director of Guiding Star of Marshalltown, was the program for the Marshalltown Evening Lions at the Elmwood Country Club on March 3rd, 2021. Mary told the Lions about the goals, resources, and services of the woman’s group as they volunteer and help serve any woman, any mother, and any family with compassionate life-affirming care and support here in the Marshalltown area.
The Evening LIons would like to remind everyone that we are again selling popcorn at Hy-Vee on Saturdays from 10-3pm and that we are a non-profit service club and can contact Tim Fienup at if you are interested in attending a meeting at the Elmwood Country Club on Wednesday evening, April 7th, at 6:15.