It into the real world, is enough money to pay the real sallys salaries of more than 425,000 Public School teachers today, corporate profits are at an alltime high. Corporationse arent up to 300 times of what their employees make. Each year am a wealthy and large corporations avoid haying their fair share of taxes. In out of four corporations this country pays nothing in taxes. The wealthy and large corporations avoid paying about 100 billion a year because they stash their money in the Cayman Islands and bermuda and other tax havens. Empties like general electric, boeing, verizon and others, who make billions in profits manage at the end of the year to pay nothing. Oft is the economic reality america today. The rich doing unbelievably well. They have a Rating System with tax breaks for them sending american jobs all over the world, yet in golden parachutes of tens of millions of dollars when they retire. Families in this country, this is a difficult moment. I talked about some of the
Saskatchewan's Crown power corporation plans to spend $5.8 million to inspect thousands of wooden power poles around the province. According to SaskPo.
SaskPower is continuing its Power Talk series of public outreach, answering resident s questions about the changing nature of Saskatchewan s power grid.