For a little bit of history in the late 18 hundreds, this area around the bookstore here in Greenwich Village was the epicenter of publishers and booksellers. Dodd mead and company, divine press, they all had editorial offices and down below they all had their bookstores to display their new books along Fourth Avenue on that side known as book row there were 48 stores of which the strand is the sole survivor. As the owner with the 18 miles of books i am not easily fazed by a thousand bucks but the literary bucket list has taught me in my tracks. [applause] his expansive scope is coupled with a delightful wit and a perfect eye for surprise detail. Never again will you have tond wonder what to read next. A thousand and books to read before you die is a onestop shop holiday gift for anybody who likes books and who doesnt like books. Have to say i cannot think of a better person to have written a book like this man james. Princeton graduate with a degree in English Literature and a veteran
For a little bit of history in the late 1800s this area around the bookstore in Greenwich Village was the epicenter of publishers and book sellers. Charles scribners and son. Divine press, they all had editorial offices, and down below they all had bookstores to display their new books. Along 4th avjust around on that side was known as book row at its height there were 48 used book stores of which strand is the soul survivor. As the owner of the strand with its 18miles of books i am not easily phased by a thousand books, but james literary bucket list tonights featured book has stopped me in my tracks. [applause] his expansive scope is cup ltd with a delightful wit and a perfect eye for surprise detail. Never again would you have to wonder what to read next. 1,000 books to read before youy gift for anybody who likes books. And who doesnt like books. I have to say i could not think of a better person to have written a book like this than James Mustich printten grawt with a degree in lit
[applaus [applause]. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Jay, thanks for the nice introduction and ed macer, thanks for the kindness youve shown to me and my family. This is my First City Club without paul green and i miss him, we all do, a fantastic person and great resource and all the had a little jab for every speaker with the tough question, i looked forward to it and im sure you will in his tradition make sure i face the music, too. And donna is one of my faves. And i remember saying would you go to a cubs game with me because she wears cubs earring and we went to opening day, you never know what to expect. Well, it was a snowstorm and we ended up in the box and we were there with Billy Williams and she got her picture taken and i was sitting there watching the game and look around, darned if she wasnt weighting on everybo everybody waiting on everybody in the box. You dont have to do that, youre a guest. And as i told the people at the table, with your permission, she
Thank you. This is my First City Club without paul green and i miss know we all do. Fantastic person and a great a littleand always had jab for every speaker with tough questions. Im k forward to it, and sure you in his tradition make sure i face the music afterwards too. Donna fentin there is one of my fa favs. To a d say would you go cubs game with me. She said, sure. Naturally, opening day at Wrigley Field shgs you never to expect. It was a snowstorm, and we ended box, and we were there she had williams and the picture taken. Darned if she wasnt waiting on box. Ody in the i said, donna, youre a guest. Work here ave to today. Shes a wonderful lady. Table,ld the folks at my with berettas permission, shes my other girlfriend. Donna, glad youre here. Discuss thisant to afternoon is serious and i hope each and every one of you will thoughts and re questions on anything that follows. It relates to the reality of the world that we live in. Do you remember the world you in . Some people do.
Thank you. This is my First City Club without paul green and i miss know we all do. Fantastic person and a great a littleand always had jab for every speaker with tough questions. Im k forward to it, and sure you in his tradition make sure i face the music afterwards too. Donna fentin there is one of my fa favs. To a d say would you go cubs game with me. She said, sure. Naturally, opening day at Wrigley Field shgs you never to expect. It was a snowstorm, and we ended box, and we were there she had williams and the picture taken. Darned if she wasnt waiting on box. Ody in the i said, donna, youre a guest. Work here ave to today. Shes a wonderful lady. Table,ld the folks at my with berettas permission, shes my other girlfriend. Donna, glad youre here. Discuss thisant to afternoon is serious and i hope each and every one of you will thoughts and re questions on anything that follows. It relates to the reality of the world that we live in. Do you remember the world you in . Some people do.