what kind of punishment they may face. the former england and yorkshire paxman, megan elphick who admitted a charge to using racist language to azeem rafiq apologise to him, the bbc revealed today that they were recommending that the panel issue him with an eight week suspension that would only apply if he came out of retirement. he announced his retirement last month. and that he perceived an 8000 pound fine. as for the other former yorkshire players who were found to have used gray suits racist and discriminatory language the panel recommended seven point £5,000 finds and £5,000 finds for england s former player tim brosnan and yorkshire former all rounderjohn blain and a £4000 fine for another former yorkshire player, richard pyro. they also said today that they
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evidence including from former player who admitted to his charge, and also admitting asking, tim brosnan is accused of referring to asian players as brothers. he denies any racist intentions. and finally today, the panel heard how the former player john blain denies using racial slurs in 2010 and 2011. it s important to know that all this evidence was heard in the absence of the four men. six of the seven men charge have withdrawn from the disciplinary proceedings, saying that they don t trust the process. one man who has been charged is the former england and michael vaughan. he categorically denies any allegations of racism. england s cricketers have beaten bangladesh by three wickets