(Wahpeton, ND) Soybean-based tires are taking first responders to emergency situations following a grant from The North Dakota Soybean Council. The council is providing $1,000 grants for each organization to purchase Goodyear soy-based tires. This includes the Wahpeton Police Department, who have recently purchased the plant based tires for a squad vehicle. "The Wahpeton
Even in a drought-limited year, regional state winners in the National Corn Growers Association yield contest grouped around 300-bushels per acre yields. An Extension agronomist says the contest shows possibilities in modern corn genetics and the combination of optimal weather and input management.
Even in a drought-limited year, regional state winners in the National Corn Growers Association yield contest grouped around 300-bushels per acre yields. An Extension agronomist says the contest shows possibilities in modern corn genetics and the combination of optimal weather and input management.
Wisconsin State Farmer
U.S. farmers not only planted and harvested a large crop successfully in 2020, but they also rolled out some impressive yields in the National Corn Growers Association’s National Corn Yield Contest despite weather challenges, wildfires, and a pandemic.
Michigan farmer Don Stall turned in a bin busting yield of 476.9052 bushels per acre, reflecting farmers resilience and the value of modern seed varieties, advanced production techniques and innovative growing practices, the NCGA said.
The National Corn Yield Contest is now in its 56th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members.
“This contest brings farmers together to create, innovate and explore ways to optimize the nation’s largest and arguably most important crop,” said Debbie Borg, chair of NCGA’s Member and Consumer Engagement Action Team. “At both the state and national levels, contest winners find new ways to excel while using a variety of techniques. Ultimately, the inve