thompson and everyone else to prove them wrong and to present a set of facts, present a version of events. on the deadly day that the country can trust. that is why the speaker was so eager to have that nonpartisan 9/11 style commission to begin with and once that was filibustered in the senate, led by a republican filibuster, she fell back on creating this more tilted party line tilted committee toward the democrats, still they want to convey desperately that this is not about politics. andrea? hallie? leigh ann, i want to make clear what we ll see in 11 minutes from now when this begins. opening statements, we ll hear from officers in this hearing. on the opening statements, chairman thompson will deliver one and congresswoman cheney, is not technically the ranking republican but she is the most senior republican on that committee, so she will be delivering an opening statement as well. do we have any sense, leigh ann,
it was billed as one of the top-ten most luxurious buildings in the world. it had its own gym. its own pool. its own theater. reporter: they paid more than 4 million for their condo on the 50th floor. five years later, they received the troubling news, the high rise was not only sinking, it was also tilting, as illustrated in this now-infamous video. it was the very first time we did it. he got the marble out and said i am going to roll this and see what it does. it rolls about 10 feet out. slows to a stop. and then, turns around and starts rolling back and picks up speed as it goes past him. and so, it s like oh, my god. 60 minutes called this 2017 segment the leaning tower of san francisco. and showed the alarming stress gages and cracks in the building s basement. the millennium s current engineer record, telling cnn that as of today, the building has now sunk and tilted, 18 inches. this morning, my office filed a lawsuit against the developer of the millennium tower.
U.S. Supreme Court appears tilted toward allowing some searches without warrants Hearing a case from Sonoma County, the U.S. Supreme Court seemed likely Wednesday to allow police who are pursuing a suspect, even for a minor crime, to enter a home without knocking or seeking a warrant. Feb 24, 2021 Distribution channels: EIN Presswire does not exercise editorial control over third-party content provided, uploaded, published, or distributed by users of EIN Presswire. We are a distributor, not a publisher, of 3rd party content. Such content may contain the views, opinions, statements, offers, and other material of the respective users, suppliers, participants, or authors.
my god, oh my god, i knew something terrible happened. i turned down the light and ran down the bedroom and down the hall. did you see it. i didn t. i looked in the bedroom door way and i saw justin laying on his back on the right side of the bed was his head tilted and i can see a bullet hole in his head and i could see blood running down his neck. my instinct was to figure out how they got in the house. we had a big window and we checked to see if that was closed and it was. the front door was still locked and the back door was unlocked and i went and i opened a little bit, i thought that was not a good idea so i closed it.
and they sent over the impeachment matters. nancy pelosi has control here. a couple things might be going on, number one, she might be trying to tap the handbrake and say maybe impeachment is bad. if the senate has an impeachment trial and going to call the bidens and adam schiff this is bad for democrats, let s stop this right now. also she prevent donald from from saying i was impeached but i was exonerated in the senate. the other factor is maybe nancy pelosi turns around and says we can continue to make this case that the senate playing field is unfair. tilted toward the president. they make the case about mitch mcconnell, he doesn t run a fair senate, she can continue to pound that point in the court of public opinion. is it ever happened that the articles are passed and there is not a trial in the senate?