apparently not back for long. he lost his job. but trump tv is a pipeline for trump hires. he considered replacing sean spicer with kimberly guilfoyle. fox & friends co-anchor heather nauert was hired to be state department spokesperson last april and she just got a promotion despite having zero prior experience in diplomacy, trump installed her as the acting undersecretary of state after firing the prior one undersect along with tillerson yesterday. she is now the fourth highest ranking official at the state department which means in just 11 months is, less than a year she s gone from fox & friends to number four at the state department. i really want to the congratulate the president to pick you. quite frankly, i was worried about who he would pick. maybe somebody on tv.
the message i have, it s a simple one. it s a bumper stick, the era of the pajama boy is over january 20th. and the alpha males are back. apparently not back for long. he lost his job. but trump tv is a pipeline for trump hires. he considered replacing sean spicer with kimberly guilfoyle. fox & friends co-anchor heather nauert was hired to be state department spokesperson last april and she just got a promotion despite having zero prior experience in diplomacy, trump installed her as the acting undersecretary of state after firing the prior one undersect along with tillerson yesterday. she is now the fourth highest ranking official at the state department which means in just 11 months is, less than a year she s gone from fox & friends to number four at the state department. i really want to the congratulate the president to pick you. quite frankly, i was worried about who he would pick.
last i checked this president has a full plate. north korea, we have korean, the meeting with lavrov between tillerson yesterday. you ve got venezuela. we can go around the world. this does exactly what richard has been warning the united states not to do. stop taking actions that draw 90% of your focus on the middle east onto that one region when long term we ve got to look east. we ve got to look to asia. we ve got to worry about our relationships in europe. we ve got to worry about our relationships across the world. and not just this one region. absolutely. the middle east has sponged up so much of our calories for a generation. ironically enough, jerusalem was one of the few relatively peaceful places in the middle east. what we now have done is said okay, let s put some more fuel on the fire. that s what this did. as your friend tom friedman said, this ought to be called
the art of the give away. president trump got nothing for playing one of the essential cards that the u.s. has in any peace process which is the future status of jerusalem and the u.s. embassy. got nothing for it. robin, we ve seen that the president has thrown tillerson under the bus many times. now he has disagreed publicly, at least it s been widely reported that mattis was very much against this decision. it seems like his first significant break with general mattis. i wonder how that gets perceived worldwide. and especially in this area. i don t think this is the first break or first difference between the secretary of defense and the president. i think general mattis has been one of those who has been the most effective in trying to temper down some of the president s more ambitious moves, but the fact is there is a deep divide, really, and those who counted on the generals, general kelly at the white house
as chief of staff, general mcmaster, general mattis to be the voices of reason, explaining the world to the president have not had the kind of impact anyone anticipated, and this is a serious gap. now, everyone believes secretary of state tillerson is not long for that position. and that someone more akin to the president s views, pompeo is likely to take that spot. the team does not speak with one voice and the divisions within are very destructive on some of the most inflammatory issues the president faces. and the fact that the president is not just america first but me first, when it comes to decision making is a little dangerous when it doesn t factor in the views of his closest advisers. all right. robin wright, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it you