/PRNewswire/ MAG reached its highest quarterly revenues yet; net sales grew by 39% to 97 MSEK and ARPDAU increased 38% compared to the same quarter the.
/PRNewswire/ MAG shows continued growth in Q4; net sales grew by 29% to 90 MSEK, and ARPDAU increased by 36% compared to the same quarter last year. Summary.
STOCKHOLM, June 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ MAG reached its highest revenue in a single quarter in Q3; net sales grew by 12% to 91 MSEK, and ARPDAU increased by 7% compared to the same quarter
Puzzle adventure Tile Mansion already engages thousands of players and shows the highest ARPDAU in the portfolio. STOCKHOLM, June 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ MAG Interactive is excited to