Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath turns 51 on Monday. The chief minister will have a quiet birthday at the Gorakhnath temple in Gorakhpur by offering a 'puja'. There are no official celebrations lined up for the day. Yogi Adityanath is currently in his second term as the 22nd Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He first entered the Lok Sabha in 1998, representing the
The 'Tiffin Pe Charcha' campaign, which implies "discussion over a meal", was launched to mark nine years of the PM Modi government at the Centre and was organised in Gorakhpur on Sunday.
Ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP launched its then-prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s famous ‘chai pe charcha’ sessions to connect with voters after Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar mocked Modi's past as a tea seller