Tiffany Dowell Lashmet talks taxes in three-part series, beginning with estate taxes.
Suggested Event
Jun 15, 2021 to Jun 17, 2021
Tiffany Dowell Lashmet is kicking off a three-part series in her Texas Agriculture Law Blog called Talking Taxes. We are going to focus on three federal taxes that arise frequently for farm and ranch families when it comes to estate planning: the estate tax, the gift tax, and the capital gains tax.
I want to offer two disclaimers. The first is that I am not a CPA or an accountant. I’m here to offer just basic information, but highly recommend that you consult with your attorney and tax professional for further advice or clarification. Second, there has been a lot of talk from Washington, DC, about potential changes to some of these rules. The posts in this Talking Taxes series will explain the law as it currently is written and applied, but everyone needs to be sure to pay attention to any changes that could be forthcoming.
Shelley E. Huguley
Temple Grandin visits SiriusXM Studios on May 14, 2018, in New York City. Grandin is the featured speaker at the upcoming Sandhills Beef Cattle Conference. Sandhills Beef Cattle Conference set July 7 in Monahans
Suggested Event
Aug 31, 2021 to Sep 02, 2021
World-renowned educator and animal behavior expert Temple Grandin will be the featured speaker at the annual Sandhills Beef Cattle Conference, July 7 in Monahans at the Ward County Event Center.
The event, sponsored by The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will also feature real-world cattle demonstrations as well as educational talks and discussions.
“I am ecstatic about the group of speakers we have lined up for this event, and we’re tremendously excited to bring someone as influential and well-known as Dr. Grandin to Far West Texas,” said Dena Floyd, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Winkler and Loving counties. “Our goal is to b
Free video series highlights economic and regulatory considerations in hemp production.
Can you make hemp a profitable part of your overall crop mix? This is a key question producers need to answer when considering adding hemp to their production list in 2021, says Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Economist Justin Benavidez.
Benavidez and Extension Agricultural Law Specialist Tiffany Dowell Lashmet recently spoke with Farm Press about a free video series that not only addresses the economic risks of hemp production but the legal considerations as well. One of the questions I get a lot is, What are the prices? How much money am I going to make producing hemp? Benavidez says. What we re focusing on in this program is how do you budget those outcomes for yourself?
Shelley E. Huguley Texas A&M AgriLife specialists discuss hemp production, legal issues, budgets and crop insurance in short videos.
A series of short video presentations addressing major issues facing Texas hemp producers is now available. The free series, Economic and Legal Considerations for Production in Texas, addresses issues pertinent to producers considering adding hemp to their operation. We are thrilled to roll out a project we’ve been working on the for the last year, said Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas AgriLife Extension, in her recent Texas Agriculture Law Blog. Thanks to a grant from the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center, I’ve worked with my colleagues in the Ag Economics Department at Texas A&M to pull together legal and economic resources related to hemp production.
An Estate Planning Seminar featuring Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture law specialist, Amarillo, will be held March 2.
“We are excited to have Tiffany,” said Kristy Slough, AgriLife Extension, Hutchinson County. “Her estate planning seminar presentations are some of the most sought after in the state, and we are fortunate to have her here in person.”
Estate planning can be an emotional and sensitive time for people in a later stage of life, and Lashmet offers a working list of planning steps that can help with the process necessary to pass property to the next generation.