28 May 2021, 14:29 BST
The grand cathedral dominates the old town of Oviedo, one of Spain s most beguiling regional capitals.
Photograph by Alamy
Indulge in both of Oviedo’s signature pastries.
Carbayones doughy almond blobs glazed with egg yolk are the house special at Camilo de Blas. Nearby Confitería Rialto, meanwhile, has built a baking empire on its
moscovitas: chocolate-topped, almond-filled cookies.
11am: Wander the old town
The historic centre is dominated by five medieval spires; mightiest of them all is the bell tower of Oviedo Cathedral. Lunch on the terrace at Le Corte de Palayo, then walk it off among the peacocks in Campo San Francisco, the orchard of a former convent.