and she has a great arm. ainsley: there is your wife kathy what is she cooking? she made great turkey roll up. butterfly a turkey breast and that s it right there and put the stuffing inside and bake it. brian: almost like you take it hostage wrap it up and tie it up, right? steve: i will just say, this that is the best turkey we have ever had. if we ever write another cookbook, i would put that in. brian: squeeze it tight. ainsley: we did a fried turkey and regular turkey there is mom holding new little nephew. baby banks and my sister right behind mom. my mom had a stroke it will be four years in february. she is doing great. steve: she is doing great. ainsley: ms. maggie is her nurse and takes such good care of her hoovment that lady is a fighter and wonderful person. brian: you went back home. that was in rock hill, south carolina which is right outside of charlotte. flew there for the day on thursday. steve: we all have a lot to be thankful for.
voted for. garrett, let s tie it up, are democrats sure they got the votes here? looks like they do. to jonathan lemire s point there is still a big mountain to climb in the senate where you got not just manchin but sinema but other democrats have questions about how much it costs and how it s going to be paid for. what s the future if it gets out of the house today? i do think they have the votes on the house side. we heard from one democrat in maine who ll vote against it. the senate s side, joe manchin is in a lonelier position. we saw sinema speaking at the white house this week. that felt like a reward. we know you on the team, she s
are higher and taxes are lower. on consumer goods, they will be higher. you spend that paycheck and you re spending more than you were before. you got 30 seconds. tie it up for us. the democrats have to understand that they have to have one clear message. the messaging of the democrats is confusing. you re right. it s a great argument but they need to come up with the messaging and come up with the connection in workers in iowa, farmers in iowa. they re the ones suffering. thanks for coming up to new york. mike foulkes, joining us from washington, d.c. great piece for the guardian, i will tweet it out. when we come back, the deluge of the questions being asked of the apparent suicide. and wisconsin governor tony evers will join us to talk about gun control.
an accessory is just as guilty. i am bothered by the fact that u.s. government gave due process rights to a foreign national who allegedly killed americans outside the u.s. think about the arguments former president obama made on this, congressman. and that is bill: the legal system in the united states can manage these matters and that s where it should be carried out. you mentioned guantanamo. i know you would have liked to have seen it take place there. is the suggestion in your answer that our legal system cannot handle this? i don t think it can. again, the f.b.i. 18 days to get there. i think justice would be putting a bullet in his head quite frankly. and let s not kid ourselves. this is not over. you won t tie it up, put a bow on it and don t need to talk about it anymore. there are still lots of outstanding questions and lots of others engaged in this.
florida s merritt island east of florida. there are inmates who have been dispatched to help line the island with sandbags? reporter: yeah, and three hours is an understatement, brianna. we actually just got another shipment of sand at this distribution center, but that s not the issue. there s no lack of sand. it s actually the efficiency of the whole entire process that s really slowing down people here who are just trying to get ten sandbags per household. because like you can see, these inmates are taking a rest but there s only two things to use to fill these sandbags. they fill the sandbag, tie it up, and then put it in the back of these cars. and you ve got to check out the lines for these cars. we re at an athletic field, recreation area here in this county, and the line just snakes all the way around this whole entire park area, and even down the street. we ve been talking to people who have been waiting here for upwards of eight hours just to get those ten sandbags and they