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January 8, 2021
On Thursday, plaintiff Scanning Technologies Innovations, LLC filed a complaint against defendant Ideabud, LLC doing business as Ticketbud, an event management, ticketing and registration software as a service (SaaS) company, for its alleged infringement of the patent-in-suit via its ticket management system and app that purportedly used the patented QR scanning and management system and method.
The patent-in-suit is United States Patent No. 10,600,101 (the ’101 patent), entitled “Systems and Methods for Indicating the Existence of Accessible Information Pertaining to Articles of Commerce.” According to the complaint, the ’101 patent “describes systems and methods for downloading a look-up table from a server database to a mobile device via a communication network.” Additionally, the plaintiff noted that the “look-up table is configured to store a plurality of code numbers associated with articles of commerce and a plurality of inf