weekend. judge judy: you claim that the horse that they sold you was lame. you want your money back. announcer: tricked by crooked horse traders? judge judy: so, you had the horse for almost three weeks. almost. judge judy: i don t know what you did with the horse in that three weeks. announcer: or sellers saddled with a dishonest buyer? but i wasn t able to ride that horse. judge judy: you posted something on the internet with you riding the horse. that was the only time. judge judy: i don t believe you! announcer: judge judy. you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution tia erickson is suing 17-year-old nikki parent and her father, richard, for the return of money she paid for a horse and for vet bills. byrd: order! all rise! isse ne calendar in the matter of