distract totally on brand for th republican party it is great to see you m friend, enjoy the rest of your evening off. welcome to ayman tonight going on offense by handing d alvin bragg who s jim jordan accusing him of interferin with his investigation plus, taking apart his frivolous lawsuit agains trump s reproductive rights of the conservative supreme court once, again the outrageous ant abortion law just signed by ro desantis in florida. also, the tennessee three ar back in action, stat representative justin pearso should discuss is return to th state, legislator and gloria johnson will speak out on th issue that threatens their political futures. gun control. i am a man what he, let s ge started. here is one thing that we ar learning about manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg he is a fighter. this week, in an extraordinary and aggressive move, bragg sue congressman jim jordan asking court to block parts of th republican-led house judiciary committee s inquiry int
covenant school a natural six people including three children, a congressman ti burchard of tennessee was aske what role congress should play in preventing the next schoo shooting his response it is a horrible horribl situation. and we are not going to fix it when it comes to childre getting massacred at schools there is no solution the congressman seems to willing to be willing to sacrifice som schoolchildren for tha perceived greater good it is worth noting tha republicans at the state level spent months pushing a dra show ben in tennessee, claimin those performances somehow put kids at risk but nothing can be done to sto school shootings the gop has for decades try to brand itself as the party of family values. republicans have a documente record of denying crucia support to families in need. 2021, every single republica in the house and senate vote