A prediabetes diagnosis prompted Sharon Shwartz to try a variety of exercises to lose weight. Now she's found success with walking, a low carb diet and Mounjaro.
The imbalance in thyroid hormones may pose a challenge when it comes to weight loss. During this thyroid awareness month, let us look at some important tips to lose weight with the condition. - Weight Loss with Thyroid: 5 Must-Know Tips to Manage Hypothyroidism and Shed Fat
thyroid medication, you then knew and felt the effects coming on you. you shouldn t have left your house. you shouldn t have gotten behind the wheel. and if it came on you when you were driving, you should have pulled over. you had that duty. so this clinical pharmacologist for the defense said the effects hit very rapidly. that the ability to make good judgment is severely impaired. and people affected by this medication don t even realize they re affected. but then on cross-examination, tough cross-examination, if someone has been on this medication for ten years, aren t you going to know and feel the effects that it s coming on you? the answer was yes. so it will be in the jury s hands shortly after these closing arguments, ashleigh. all right. well, keep us updated and let us know what transpires. i think it will be fascinating despite the fact this is a misdemeanor. still interesting nonetheless. jean casarez for us. i want to bring in our legal analysts joey jackson and dan.