the suspect in the killing spree that left eight people dead at three different spas in atlanta felt tortured by sexual addiction. six asian-american women who were shot and killed yesterday. the asian community is once again being target. the country still averaging over 50,000 new cases every day. when we see a plateau like that that predicts another surge. we are vaccinating really well. that s the good news. these variants are spreading that s the bad news. this is new day with alisyn camerota and john berman. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is new day. it s thursday, march 18th, 6:00 here in new york. erica hill is here with me again. always good to be here. we have a lot going on. this is what we know this morning. the asian-american community in this country is on edge understandably. the murder rampage in georgia left eight people dead, six of them asian women. anti-asian hate crime up nearly 150% in maj