their head up would get their head blown off. she said that herself? yeah, oh, yeah. did you get the impression she would have used that gun? absolutely. who would have thunk that patricia hearst a few months after she was kidnapped would be robbing a bank as a revolutionary act? that bank robbery surveillance photograph was pretty indicative of what happened, and that was that patty hearst had participated in an armed bank robbery of the hibernia bank. at that moment, this one line story about an heiress who had been kidnapped by crazy revolutionaries from the 60s changed in the blink of an eye. with that photo of patty with a gun in that bank. there was initially in the first couple days some debate. she must have been forced to do it. seeing patty in the bank with a gun. if it cemented anything, it s
there s a big kidnapping on the west coast. the victim is patricia hearst. mom, dad, i m okay. she was clearly terrified. do what they say, dad, just do it quickly. just flat-out barking mad. she desperately did not want to go home. we had to prove that. who would have thunk that patricia hearst would be robbing a bank as a revolutionary act? she was ready to shoot anything that got in the way. i think she was spectacular. she s the victim of thought control. 56 days in the closet turned her into an urban guerilla. the police wanted to be the ones that caught us or killed us. it is the longest, most intense shoot-out in the city s history. there isn t a 20% chance she s going to get out of this. patty had dramatically changed.
they are different trials but chan as you were looking at what s coming up next for paul manafort you re saying that case may not be as strong? it focuses more on the foreign agent registration act. from a strategic point of view it s interesting the paul manafort team could have chosen to let both cases be consolidat consolidated. it s ratcheted up the pressure on both sides for the outcome of this particular first trial. shan wu, maggie haberman, great to have you with us talking about the news, the developments and the breaking news. no parade. no parade. who could have thunk that one. i would never have imagined. thank you both.
could say is i m having martial law tomorrow morning to disarm america of 200 million guns, only thing would be media be satisfied. they re just going to attack him. nothing this man can say. really has become a comedy. it s a form of comedy. it s like we re living in a saturday night live skit. no matter when he says they attack him. trish: it s backfired. they re attacking him so much, people that didn t like him so much start to feel bad for him. absolutely. look, again, look at the numbers. look at the respect for the press. who would have thunk that there was some category that was below members of congress in the respectability scale? with the exception, of course, of fox news. journalists have a black eye. did you see what happened yesterday on cnn? a high school kid had showed he had more journalistic efforts than cnn when he refused to read their prescripted question that they gave him.
artifact that he had got in a dig in mexico. she wore it around her neck all the time. she didn t take it off. as much as i hated the idea of her joining us, it was spectacular propaganda. now, the heiress wants to join the kidnappers. just by saying that she had decided to join us was only part of the equation. we had to prove that. there does seem to have been a profound change in her. i don t believe she s going quickly.e her philosophieshat who would have thunk that patricia hearst would be robbing a bank as a revolutionary act. she was ready to shoot at anything that got in the way. she must have been forced to do it. she s a victim of thought control.