A psychiatrist and mental health nurse at the Thunder Bay District Jail testified in the Moses Beaver inquest about challenges facing mental health care in the facility
With pre-sentence custody of 42 months, Jonathan Yellowhead, found guilty of manslaughter, will serve one year and 10 months in custody for the 2018 death of 17-year-old Braiden Jacob
As the jury continues to hear from witnesses about the circumstances surrounding Moses Beaver's death in Thunder Bay, Ont., they are also learning of the systemic barriers preventing change.
Moses Beaver was taken into custody in Nibinamik First Nation in January 2017 and transferred to Thunder Bay, where he would die in hospital in February after being transferred from the Thunder Bay District Jail
In the inquest into the death of Moses Beaver of Nibinamik First Nation while in custody in Thunder Bay following a mental health crisis will hear from more than 30 witnesses