accomplishment today. and then there are the likes of marjorie taylor greene who puts a big thumb down in the face of that which ukraine has been facing and valiantly fighting for. that s the point earlier where you see marjorie taylor greene in the lower part of your screen, a big thumbs down in reaction to the lawmakers with the small, okay maybe they are legal on the floor of the house. she was not too pleased about it. many others were. joining me now is jason crow, member of the house foreign affairs committee. i will ask your reaction to this, the passage of israel, ukraine, indo asia pacific, with regard to taiwan. is it going to clear the senate? how much of an impact will the bill have in ukraine? well, who my response. you got a flag. i think it is team we stopped
bubble box, above his head. i am on the cusp of making a bipartisan agreement on infrastructure that will unlock a reconciliation bill with all-50 democrats onboard. that are going to have real, positive impacts on people s lives. people particularly, people in need. but all people in this country. and i don t want to blow that up. that s what he was saying. that is reality, too. so, you know, i i just it is it is it is satisfying to say, well, gee, he s the president. he should just compel them to do that. and the republicans, i remember john mccain turning his thumb down, despite all the pressure that donald trump put on him. and that s why the affordable care act is still here today. senators do have prerogatives and there are limits to what presidents can do. and, you know, he that that is the reality of what biden is facing. well, i am enjoying this
so, you know, i i just it is it is it is satisfying to say, well, gee, he s the president. he should just compel them to do that. and the republicans. well, i remember john mccain turning his thumb down, despite all the pressure that donald trump put on him. and that s why the affordable care act is, still, here today. senators do have prerogatives and there are limits to what presidents can do. and, you know, he that that that is the reality of what biden is facing. well, i am enjoying this conversation so much. so why don t both of you stick around? i want to continue it. stay with us. i want to talk about president biden telling me that they are lying. right? what is he talking about? we ll tell you.