trtreatments l like vabysmso can cacause eye ininfectn or retinalal detachmenent. vabysmo o may cause e a tempoy increase i in eye presessure after r receivingg ththe injectioion. althoughgh uncommon,n, there e is a potenential risksk of heart t attack or stroke e associateded with blolood clots.. open up yoyour world!! a chance f for up to 4 4 mons betweeeen treatmenents with vabysysmo. asask your dococtor. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send y your kids a a text. it may b be the lastst time that you d do. (a(announcer) ) you can ququ. for r free help,p, callll 1-800-quit-now. hey, jamie. new client? yeah, and you ll never guess who, but let s jujust say she saved when she b bundled her dream house and d her dream car -barbie. -barbie. -barbie. well, i wowouldn t be e so . it could be -oh, it s dedefinitely barbie. -everyryone knows s who she . wewe re standiding in frononf heher house, d dude. bararbie in ththeaters. agage is just t