world, you are watching cnn newsroom and i am rosemary church, just ahead, the clock is ticking for the u.s. to raise the debt ceiling or risk a default. and in the hours ahead, another key meeting between joe biden and kevin mccarthy is on the agenda. leaders of the g7 summit say that they want to bring peace to ukraine as president zelenskyy disputes moscow s claim that russian fighters control bakhmut. is but a resounding victory, greece fails to secure a majority in parliamentary elections, serving the country up for another round of voting soon. live from the cnn center, this is cnn newsroom with rosemary church. good to have you with us, with the g7 summit now behind him, he was president joe biden back in washington to face his most pressing issue right now. the impasse over the u.s. debt ceiling, in the coming hours, president biden will meet yet again, with house speaker kevin mccarthy to try to strike a deal on raising the countries borrowing limit. mccarthy s
guam is still dealing with strong winds, so yes, onshore flow will cause major storm surge and wind damage nonetheless, the system itself moving back out, and it will start to taper back for guam over the weekend. now, for when speed is already pushing 105 miles from the center for tropical storm force winds, typhoon expected early wednesday morning, and heavy rain expected for guam, moving in late tuesday and into wednesday. rosemary? thank you so much for that. joining us there, well, climate activists are arrested after they color the water of one of italy s most famous fountains black. i had, we will explain what was behind the protest. got my fico® score, raised it instantly, i eveven found new ways to sav. all right t here. free. and fast. see e all you can do with the free experian app. download it now. what s ththe #1 retinol brand
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