started yelling, shelley shelley. a young art student murdered. she said, your daughter as been found in blood. and then the phone went dead. this was brutal and sad. the clever killer leaves a blank canvas that had no fingerprints, no dna. yeah. police zero in on three fellow students. the dead girls friend. trying to corner in the hallways at school, texting her on the phone, her boyfriend he had daggers, knives, sorts, who collects that kind of stuff? and her roommate. it felt like a leopard with. you absolutely. you could have been that she sure could have. soon, the dark picture begins to develop. look at this. that s what the whole thing happened. a portrait of the artist says a young killer. you notice the people in there. once there was a quiet little girl in a quiet little town who like to draw. she to the butterflies that floated by her around a plea, texas, like the country, but they pronounce it italy. she drew a but
politician did something i totally absolutely love and it doesn t involve suicide. you sick, horrible people. it does involve a democrat. i know. what s wrong with me? besides the obvious stuff. do i have a head injury. if i had a dollar every time my mom asked me that as a baby. after she would push me off the bassinet. last night i complemented hillary clinton. man, did i get a tone of hate mail for that. most of it from bill. but now i m about to complement cory booker. stop. stop. i know, it sounds like i m losing my mind. you remember corey. he s the guy who says this crazy stuff. the closest i will probably have to i am spartacus. moment. sometimes my testosterone makes me feel like punching him. i hurt. when dick durbin called me i had tears of rage learning about that meeting. are you not to feel that hurt, your silence is complicity. i want to tell you when i look at you, this is why i get emotional. no one is going to steal that joy. you have earned this spot. y
Waterloo regional police were called to a home near University Avenue and Lester Street after several people reported a break-in, in progress at the time.