Today. One student telling us The School has done little to inspire confidence. No plan outlined by the administration in order to restore Order And Safety to campus. Brian Fraternity Brothers Who Went Viral Last Year De Defending The Stars And Stripes got an epic rager. The performer from flagstock joins us live. Steve and a court upholds Brazils Ban on elon Musks X and some democrats are praising the decision. Lawrence of course they are. Remember mornings are better with friends. Ainsley class at columbia are back in class today. 7000 antiisrael protesters flooded the streets of new York City yesterday. Steve in Downtown Manhattan massive palestinian flag unveiled and free palestine banner. Some proudly waving the hamas Green Flag right there. Brian in jerusalem, they are gathering to mourn the loss of six hostages last week. Lawrence we begin with Alexis Mcadams in new York City. It wasnt too long ago, we were out at this Ivy League Campingus because of ongoing protest and Encamp M
Famous. Lawrence it is the most dated thing to have. Most basic. Steve it makes him happy. It makes him happy. Ainsley lawrence says the butter pecan. Steve butter brickle. Lawrence its a texas thing. Ainsley latte you do pumpkin spice. Brian im back to the raw expresso meanwhile, to some serious news now. Ainsley real man. Brian fox news alert, antiisraeli protesters taking to The Streets of new York City as Columbia University braces for more chaos when classes start today. Talking to a student who says the school has done little to inspire confidence. Ainsley and Joe Biden on the Campaign Trail with Kamala Harris as a new report reveals a majority of their appointees have zero Business Experience. Lawrence squashing the b. Joey chestnut own rival to push him to break his own Hot Dog eating record. Steve it was a World Record. We will tell you about that buckle up. Pourselfself whatever you drink in the morning. Second hour of Fox Friends starts right now. We will start with this str
AfTer LIsa Techel had been shoT To deaTh. IT was noT a day of resT. They had To dIscuss arrangemenTs. One of The saddesT word In The language Is arrangemenTs. IT musTve been unreal. GrIef sTrIcken, Todd decIded To sTay home by hImself wITh The resT of hIs famIly meT In a park. SeTh was There buT under InsTrucTIons noT To speak abouT The case. He shared an emoTIonal momenT wITh LIsas SIsTer and her moTher, Tracy. SeTh grab The gIrls and saId They ThInk I dId IT. We all hugged seTh and Told hIm we loved hIm. When InvesTIgaTors fInIshed dIfference I can seT The TraIler, Tracy, seTh, and hIs parenTs wenT ouT To reTrIeve some of lIsas ThIngs. IT was very Tough. The CrIme Scene Techs had been all over a. All over IT. I guess I wanTed To dad mode. WhaT was your ThInkIng . I dIdnT wanT hIm To see The blood. How was your boy dealIng wITh ThaT . I ThInk he was shocked. ThaT Sunday WasnT The day of resT for The men and women TryIng To solve The crIme eITher. InvesTIgaTors were focusIng on The Mur
I was so confused. I didnt think it was real. In the rarefied world of the Ivy League, he was the total package. Star student. Gifted athlete. Wildly popular. Hes one of the nicest guys ever. Know it could understand how a Weekend Visit to his parents house. Ended in gunfire. Who was already dead . My husband. Charlie said he was going to kill my mom. I had to do it. A brave son protecting his mom. Was a true . He is seated behind a desk. It seems to be execution. Was as Campus Hero a coldhearted killer . The defendant sent an email to his Fraternity Brother saying it showtime. Was the truth different . One of the things that was a question as was charlie covering for Someone Else . A trial where nothing went by the book. Three of the jurors were crying really hard. We are turning around and getting emotional. He was becoming unhinged. Welcome to dateline. Charlie tan was an Ivy Leaguer with a bright future, but then, Charlies Dad was killed in the Home And Everything changed. Police w
Newly married, pregnant, starting the career of her dreams. Todd caldwell she always put everybody before she put herself. Dennis murphy then, one morning, a single Gunshot Blast rocked the newlyweds home. Seth Techel 911 Recording shes been shot. Dennis murphy a young husband, out of his mind with grief. Dennis murphy it was a tragedy. But, for lisas dad, a Sheriffs Deputy, it was no mystery. He was sure he knew who the killer was. Todd Caldwell Recording go get him. Go get him. Now. Dennis murphy a neighbor with a gun and a grudge. Todd caldwell i thought, they better get to him before i do. Dennis murphy but some said this couple was having trouble. That seth had a secret. Dennis murphy did he tell you she sent me some topless pictures . Colton millard yes. Dennis Murphy Others said the real murderer was someone else, right under cops noses. Jake feuerhelm heres a legitimate suspect that should have been investigated. Dennis murphy a case unfolding on camera, one that would test thr