okay? i m sorry i m so upset, but, please help president trump. if you can afford $5 or $10, if you can t afford $1, that s fine. just pray. progressive from south carolina. help this man, donald j. trump, they re trying to drain him dry. he s a progressive. if you got any money to give, give it. but he s got some good things, too. go tonight. give the president some money to fight this bull [ bleep ]. lindsey graham the progressive from south carolina. you know, it s like my southern mom, no good deed goes unpunished. i mean if you re a dog trainer and you can make a dog ill that quickly you re a successful dog trainer. you re a genius. he ll be back, by the way. lindsey graham will be back. you scream at him and he s still loyal. willie, i would love to show you the front of the paper of can you believe this? this is a paper of record. it s morning joe. quickly what is this? front page. come on. put that down. i guess it s sports illustrated time
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