Greg Rakozy
As technologies develop and change, so too does the vocabulary describing them. Analyst firms, such as Gartner, have played a big part in changing the way we discuss these technologies, the best example being the way enterprise content management became content services. The discussion of semantics can be hard at times to follow. ECM and content services, while related, are not the same. Such is the case with a term Gartner introduced last year called multiexperience.
Multiexperience Becomes Total Experience
Multiexperience, as explained early last year by Cigniti, is using various modalities, digital touchpoints, apps and devices together to design and develop a seamless experience for customers. The idea is to interact with the customers at as many touch points as possible to offer a consistent customer experience across the web, mobile, app, and other modalities. Citing Gartner, the company predicted that by 2023, more than 25% of the mobile apps, progre