do notot take prololia® if yoyoe lolow blood cacalcium, arare pregnantnt, are allelc to it, or r take xgevava®. serious s allergic r reactions e low w blood presessure, trououble breaththing, throt titightness, f face, lip,, or tongue e swelling, , rash, ititching, or r hives haveve ha. tellll your doctctor about d l problemsms, as severe e jaw bone p problemsy happenen, oror new or ununusual painin r hip, g groin, or t thigh, asas unusual t thigh bonee fractutures have o occurre. speak to y your doctoror before stopping, , skipping, , or delag proliaia®, asas spine andnd other bone fracactures haveve occurre. proliaia® can cauause seriouse effects,s, likeke low bloodod calcium, , s infectionsns, which h could needed hospititalization,n, skin p problems anand severe , joint, or r muscle paiain. don t wait foror a break.. call your r doctor nowow and asw proliaia® can helelp you.