the abilityd talk t to go directly to you and talk to you about the concerns they have, correct? exactly.da today i broughout algh thel the different factions in on the conference. i call them the five families. we sat we talked togetherwe h because we have to woravk together, otherwise we won t be successful. it might be a small majority, but it s the same size the democrats have today. two hundred and twenty two but,a i thinmek could actually be a very positive situation where we all learned22 that the peoplw come first, that we workorput ou together, put our differences ae aside and do irit for the american public. remember our goalsur. minist stopra this biden administratio from all their lunacy problems, are causing create a majority and fire. nanclunacyy pelosi. chieve we just achieved all three ofno those. now we ve got to work for the american public and make this economy strong.ubli a nation that d makes safe , a e that s built on freedom and a government that s held account
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0 that for certain. so we should never have claimed it. all we can say is they eppstein themselves, they they did to themselves or no security cameras. and is perfectly natural, perfectly normal and nothing to worry, we wish you h so with that, we wish you the best night with the ones you love. and of course, we ll see yout tomorrow. in the meantime, here s the great sean hannity. tucker, they alway s want to take us out of context. that s just the rule., yo if you re a conservative, you re goingu ret of to take itf context, period, end of sentence. but it just goes with the territory. twenty seven years worth. i know. anyway, tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity. and tonight, the christmasth season is soon upon us .s and in keepingso with the tradition, the biden family once again refusing to acknowledge the existence of their own four year old granddaughter. gdaughterexcept when a court ow forces their hand. and jill jill and hunter have no decency or honor. we r