and it s absolutely not secure. but more importantly, what about the economy? what about inflation? what about energy? let s get a change of direction . that s why the american people put the republicans in charge. it wasn t because the laptop, it was because they want a different direction on the economy. because it s hurting. it s been going in the wrong direction. and the american public expect the republicans to do something about it. so i hope they don t get lost and get bogged down in some of these issues that they just referenced. which are important. but respectfully, the economy is a lot more important. oh, no doubt. look, they ve got to be able to legislate. they got to be able to try to rein in this spending, which is at record levels. and , jessica, i mean, one of the concerns is some of the bills they passed. they now have john podesta in charge of a fund of three hundred and fifty billion dollars. that s so-called clean energy. i mean, we got exasperated by solyndra tha
president obama. but they have three hundred and fifty billion dollars at their disposal to hand out to their goodies favors. and they re their preferred vendors out there to deal with green energy. you can t tell me that s not going to be fraught with waste. fraud and abuse. well, you absolutely know it will be, jason . and to the senator s point, i actually think we need to expect a lot more of this incoming house. they need to be able to do multiple things at once. they need to legislate, but they need to be intense when it comes to oversight. it s not just the salacious ness of hunter biden s laptop that needs to be exposed or the danger at the border that needs to be understood. it s this larger question of can the american people actually trust that our elections are fair? that big tech is going to protect our first amendment rights, that the border is secure? all of these things are at the heart of why oversight matters. and right now, none of us can trust that any of this is
considerably more than all eu countries combined and whose immediate neighborhood the war is raging and by the way, sanctions not working. we said they wouldn t they re not. in fact, they re making russia even richer. the ruble is rallying and money is pouring in from china and other nations. russia s oil exports are soaring. oops. second, it s long since time we cut our losses in china last year. our trade deficit with them was over three hundred and fifty billion dollars. we know that you slave labor to make everything from sneakers to computer chips. they flood with sentinel through mexico and they lied about the origins of covid. so why are we dependent on china for anything? but biden of course is taking the opposite lesson here . he s poised to lift the trump era tariffs and save some us manufacturers. scott paul , the washington examiner writes
the policeef with the resources and training they need. if we provided three hundred and fifty billion dollars directly to cities, counties0 , states independently one another money that could be used to hire back police officers, not a single republican member of congress voted for the money for law enforcement, public safety stabilized to stabilize these budgets. not a single one , but biden also defending so-called ael reform. i think they ll reform and the negative side of bill reform is vastly overrated. the idea that if you have no ability to make bail becauseto you re poor, it should relate to the severity of the crime and what t what what the problem is related to that you re accused of such i think this president is vastly overrated and when he talks about n that , he said from the outset that he was for refunding the police and supportinge that s another lie. i m sure twitter has since amplified from the outsett. ep
he s been nothingid but tepid in his support for law enforcement, nothing but vocallynt supportive for copou killers and those left outt on the streets to recidivist deray and engage in the continued crime and violence plaguing our cities while mocking at the time you recall when then president donald trump called for federal fundstm to support local police departments. he mocked him m and now look what he s doing now. too little, too late. president biden, what a j difference a midterm makes. the truth isth when he says n the negative side of reform is overrated. i would dare him to speak to the mother of a child who has been killed as a result of someone being allowed out on bail. joe biden doesn ten have a clue of what s going on or sohe totally controlled by the leftd that he s not in it forim the rest of us . t look at this claim that they can take three hundred and fifty billion dollars from from each state and telling he s meeting with state and local government leaders to