protect the vulnerable. that s how we reduce the harm from this disease. d we ve hadse severe reactions to the vaccine. dr. mcculloh, that have been documented have been discussed yet we re about to interviewiv a young university of chicago football player who s being threateneder a separation from the school because he has notbe been vaccinated, does not want to be vaccinated already had covid probably had omicronal as well, has tons of immunity and the university of chicago is threatening basically to throw this kid out. i can t wait to talkisthre, but that s what we re facing in american universities today. in how insane is that ? well, that young man has made the right medical decision for h himself. the fda warns againstag the riss of myocarditis. weis have, you know, multiple analyzes showing increased risk of someone to take the vaccine has already recovered from covid-19. so we shouldne never penalize a young person for making a correct medical decision. he weighed out the risk