CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WV News) — The Clarksburg Water Board met Wednesday evening and discussed what is left to do before the Snake Hollow Road project can proceed.
Greenbrier County Public Service District #2 is moving forward on planning a water line extension project, providing potable water service to up to 400 additional county residents in two different
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WV News) — Clarksburg City Council heard the outline of a sweeping plan that would aim to complete projects on, around and underneath Pike Street and Main Street
FAIRMONT — When the North Central West Virginia Airport began its project to move 3 million cubic feet of dirt to make space for a new terminal and AeroTech Park,
BRIDGEPORT — The Benedum Airport Authority took care of several housekeeping matters at its meeting on Tuesday in Bridgeport. The main topic of discussion was working out a deal with